jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015

Evaluation of your Blogging Experience


My impression of the blog has been very nice. In my view, one of the best ways to learn a language is to develop ideas based on fun and pleasant topics like the places I like to visit or my favorite series. This system could have been implemented from English 1, it would be much more friendly to students who do not speak English. In general, completing this blog I felt very comfortable because I've enjoyed talking to my tastes and my person. I feel I have learned some new tools of English to write this blog, however, I think the best way to learn English or any language is to live for a while in a foreign place and survive. In everyday life and in relations with people of different cultures can acquire superior knowledge of English.

In the future, it would be very entertaining to refer to the food I like, because I love to eat, or my pets. Perhaps, I refer to my cat or my Gino trekking tours visiting beautiful places and nature. I would also like to talk about my love of gardening and plants. Finally, my amusements more nerd, like video games or chess.


domingo, 23 de agosto de 2015

Tv Shows and Series

I love watching movies and series. My main problem is that I almost never watch full series because it requires a long time, and always I am very busy, also considering  that the current academic year is modified by stoppage of three months.

I like the series but that are not a specific type of series. I feel that wealth from good series are in the effects, dialogue and plot. I think we all hate those stories where we know from the beginning what will happen: who dies, who lives, who marries, etc. When show is more unpredictable created more mystery. For example, Game of Thrones is a perfect show for me because the dialogues are intelligent, special effects are very good and the story is unpredictable (and terrible). Game of Thrones is in season 5, each season has 10 chapters, and however, I met this series recently and took me about 3 weeks to see it from start to current chapters. My life was study and to see Game of Thrones.

My friends and teachers at university speak a lot of House of Cards, a series linked to the policy that has been critically acclaimed, so here I hope to have some time to view it, and I like to finish watching Breaking Bad that also I consider an excellent series.

jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

A person who I admire

Public Administration is a wide career. One feature of this career is a multidisciplinary formation, because the public include various areas of knowledge. For example, my girlfriend, who is in the last year has focused more on environmental and renewable energy issues. I'd like to specialize in more economic area, linked to accounting and finance, human resources and organizational management.

This semester I had classes with expert José Perez, and he takes the cathedra of Applied Statistics. Undoubtedly their work represents for me a role model, because he is Head of Finance at the General Treasury of the Republic. His chair is very important for my aspirations, and his career is exemplary: it is Public Administrator of the Universidad de Chile, is Commercial Engineer of the Universidad de Santiago and has a Master in Finance at the Faculty of Economics and Business in Universidad de Chile . I hope something similar for me in the future. It is a long road but not impossible. The biography of the teacher is unknown, but there are comments in the university that their socio-economic condition was extremely precarious before getting his title.

jueves, 30 de julio de 2015

A country I'd like to visit

One of my biggest dreams is to travel a lot throughout my life, but for personal and financial problems I haven't done. However, before I could leave Chile I wish to travel by my countrybecause it has a variety of landscapes, cultures and climates that make it unique.

I have already planned many trips from long time ago. I would love to go to Italy, because it is a country that has a lot of history, and that history is reflected in their cities that have preserved the heritage with modernity. There are three places that attract my attention: Rome, Venice and Florence.


These cities have a long tradition: the Colosseum, the canals of Venice and Florences streets and homes that have kept it since the Renaissance age. Italy is a deep gaze of the oldest corners of humanity. Also, I would like to eat spaghetti and traditional Italian pizza.

Motivation is not a problem, all I need is money. No doubt, traveling is one of the most important aspirations for me. 

miércoles, 24 de junio de 2015

My favourite Movie

Throughout my life I have seen very good films of all genres. Undoubtedly, my favorite movie is “Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind” from Michael Gondry. I saw for the first time in 2004 (the year premiered) and was instant love. I like it because it is a complex love film, is novel, is unpredictable and because its structure is very psychological. The film takes place in the mind of a person, the camera and how is recorded is very important. Totally recommend.

I like all kinds of movies, minus the horror, because I never get scared with any horror movie. Inside the universe of movies, I always rescued more Art Cinema films, because I like the cinema as a means of artistic and non-commercial expression.

The last movie I saw wasThe Hobbit 3: The Battle of the Five Armies” and I liked it, because I'm a fan of Lord of the Rings since he was a child and because I went to the movies with my girlfriend.

See you!!!

lunes, 8 de junio de 2015

A photograph I like

In general, I am not an expert taking pictures. I must admit, I'm not a fan of photographs, it’s not something that catches my attention. Devote to taking good pictures is an extremely expensive practice. However, I tend to review images of erupting volcanoes. I love geology and I think that volcanoes are a example of the power of nature. So, I have seen many very beautiful pictures.

This is one of the most beautiful images I've seen, essentially because you can see the volcano disaster in the moment, in contrast to the tranquility of the surrounding nature of the eruption.

This picture is of the Chilean Francisco Negroni, one of the greatest exponents of national and global images of volcanoes and nature. This photo was taken in full eruption of the volcano Calbuco this year. Undoubtedly, a beautiful photograph.

Here are some beautiful images of this great Chilean photographer.

See you soon! Leave your comment