jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

A person who I admire

Public Administration is a wide career. One feature of this career is a multidisciplinary formation, because the public include various areas of knowledge. For example, my girlfriend, who is in the last year has focused more on environmental and renewable energy issues. I'd like to specialize in more economic area, linked to accounting and finance, human resources and organizational management.

This semester I had classes with expert José Perez, and he takes the cathedra of Applied Statistics. Undoubtedly their work represents for me a role model, because he is Head of Finance at the General Treasury of the Republic. His chair is very important for my aspirations, and his career is exemplary: it is Public Administrator of the Universidad de Chile, is Commercial Engineer of the Universidad de Santiago and has a Master in Finance at the Faculty of Economics and Business in Universidad de Chile . I hope something similar for me in the future. It is a long road but not impossible. The biography of the teacher is unknown, but there are comments in the university that their socio-economic condition was extremely precarious before getting his title.

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