domingo, 5 de abril de 2015

Thinking Loud


I’m very stressed this weekend. There are many tests because I signed many courses this academy semester. Normally, the minimum are 5 courses for student, but now I have 7. So, my courses are Administrative Law, Applied Statistics, Management Theory, Science Theory, Microeconomics, English III and Chess. It’s a hard semester, but I can do it!!!!

My extracurricular course are chess, it’s funny but hard. Also, I’m director of Frecuencia Inapina, the local university radio, it’s a big responsibility.

In this semester my expectations are to be the best or one of the best in my courses, to be a good boyfriend and to travel with her, be an excellent assistant for Math II and be a empath director for the radio.
Leave your comment :D

2 comentarios:

  1. That is the attitude Amaury!
    I know that you can do it

    Hug for you :D

  2. Amaury! Really you have much to do! Many forces for you :)
