lunes, 30 de marzo de 2015

first publication

Hi everybody. My name is Amaury.

I was born in Santiago of Chile, a 7th of April in 1990. I’m 24 years old.

At first, I lived in Santiago with my parents and my sister. My parents are teachers, but our life was difficult in this time, so moved out. We arrived to Vallenar city, in the north of Chile. There, my life was more pacific but boring. The elementary and high school was a bad experience because the education in north is very bad in comparison to the rest of the country.

When I was 17 did PSU and I start to study mining engineering at Universidad de Santiago. I moved to Santiago again, but my career don’t like it. In my second year my dad dead of cancer. I was sad, but continue with my career. But, when I was 23, I leave the engineering because I was depressant. So in 2014 I start to study Public Administration at Universidad de Chile. Actually I’m  happy in this career and like my university. Also I’m director of Radio Frecuencia Inapina, a local university radio. I’m helper of Math II and I have lot of friends. My life is better now.
My sister is 22 years old, and study anthropology in Universidad de Chile. She is nice and I live with her. My mom is in Vallenar, she is a successful teacher, and live with our cat.
I like to listen music, specially rock and funk. My principal hobbie is to be a bartender. Also practice running and like football.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Amaury your name I never had listened him. Do you like coldplay? if your answer is yeees!! you have to listen is fantastic or I believe.
    PD: You and Karymy are a couple very cute!!

  2. you're a grandfather of 25 years surrounded by young 20 jajajajaja :)
