domingo, 24 de mayo de 2015

My favourite Piece of Technology

I'll say it loud and clear: I LOVE MY NETBOOK!!!

Without mi netbook I’m nobody, because I do everything with this piece. I study, develop proyects and have fun with my netbook, therefore, it’s essencial in my life. 

I acquired my netbook 3 years ago (in 2012), and was a gift from my mom after that my old laptop died.
My netbook is a bit old, lacks a key, but it is with me in difficult times. I use it every days of the year, because always is useful in moments of work or relax.

My life without a netbook or a laptop would be complicated and boring because I could not see Game of Thrones when I’m tired in my bed or study for my tests.  I would have to go to the computer lab all days! :(

1 comentario:

  1. I read it now I remember that I have to buy a new computer because mine is dying :(
