domingo, 24 de mayo de 2015

My favourite music

I love music. My life without music would not make sense. But, I’m very selective with the music what I listen.

I do not have a favorite style of music, but I feel that british bands have a great beat and interesting lyrics. This style of music came into my life thanks to my dad, I’m the direct heir of his musical tastes.

My favorite band is Coldplay. This band came only once to Chile and made 3 presentations in our country, on February 14-15-16, 2007 in the Espacio Riesco. In this time, I lived in Vallenar. Was a little sad for me :( but after the release of his new album Ghost Stories in 2014 there is a little hope of that they come to Chile again.

However, mi life was not so boring after all!!! In my life I enjoyed the concerts of Red Hot Chili Peppers, Jamiroquai, Beck and Blur. All this concerts are important for me because I’ve be very happy. And this year Muse probably come to Chile. Always I’m looking for concerts.

See you soon my friends!

My favourite Piece of Technology

I'll say it loud and clear: I LOVE MY NETBOOK!!!

Without mi netbook I’m nobody, because I do everything with this piece. I study, develop proyects and have fun with my netbook, therefore, it’s essencial in my life. 

I acquired my netbook 3 years ago (in 2012), and was a gift from my mom after that my old laptop died.
My netbook is a bit old, lacks a key, but it is with me in difficult times. I use it every days of the year, because always is useful in moments of work or relax.

My life without a netbook or a laptop would be complicated and boring because I could not see Game of Thrones when I’m tired in my bed or study for my tests.  I would have to go to the computer lab all days! :(